Keuzes maken, vol vertrouwen stappen zetten én daarbij zorgen voor jouw balans

Impact is not about productivity or being busy

You may feel things are at a standstill because your work is slower or because you are unable to work due to increased caregiving demands.

*** please read on, even if you don’t feel like this. The questions I’ll ask later on are valuable to ask yourself everyday to increase your impact ****

So, as I was saying… you may feel things are at a standstill because your work is slower or because you are unable to work due to increased caregiving demands. If you compare it to the rushed pace of life so many of us are used to, it might feel like a standstill. If you compare it to the norms of productivity we are used to, this might feel like a standstill.

It is the same with driving. When you have been driving on the highway for a long time and you leave the highway and enter a town, it almost feels like you are at a standstill, not moving. But is just the contrast that gives the illusion of standing still. You are still moving but at a slower pace.

In our society being busy is linked to success, busy is linked to worth, busy is a badge of honour.

So it’s is no wonder that slowing down might cause unrest, unease, fear, agitation, the feeling like you are crawling out of your skin. If you can stay with these uncomfortable feelings (instead of trying to avoid or supress them) they will slowly be replaced by more calm and stillness . To go back to the analogy of driving.... if you keep on driving a bit longer through those small towns you can feel and see you are moving again. You might start to appreciate this slower, calmer pace and start noticing things you couldn't see when you were driving so fast.

From this place of more calm and stillness ask yourself: If busy and productivity are no longer a measure of success. If life is not about rushing and being productive.  What is a different way of contributing, of making an impact?

As an experiment: take busy and being productive of the table and get curious:
Get curious about the impact you are already making (at work and at home)
•    In what different ways are you already making an impact?
•    How do you make a difference with just being you?

After having seen and appreciated all the contributions you are already making, ask yourself:
•    How can I use my strengths in a way that makes the biggest difference today?
•    How can I make the most impact today with the limited resources (limited energy, focus or time) I have right now? What is the most important thing I can do GIVEN THE LIMITED RESOURCES?

Impact is NOT about doing as much as possible. Impact is NOT about checking off endless to do’s. Impact is about focused action and attention on the few things that matter the most! These extraordinary times might help you see more easily what is the most important and valuable thing to do, both at work and at home.

By the way: if the answer to this last question is: I can make the most impact by resting or selfcare. Go and do that! Because you cannot give from an empty cup. Resting and selfcare are crucial actions to replenish and refuel your energy, your focus and your creativity.

And please remember: small actions and small steps often have a big impact!


P.SDid I give you food for thought? Did I give you a different or new perspective? Do you want more inspiration about how to experience more joy and energy in your work and private life? Or on how you can feel balanced without sacrificing your ambitions? Sign up for my inspiration mail here. It is free. 

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